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Smart Healthcare

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Smart Healthcare

Assists physicians in clinical diagnosis for hippocampal lesions, glaucoma, lung lesions, thyroid, breast cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. 
Detect early gastric cancer symptomatic regions, pancreatic cancer, endotracheal tube, pupil area measurement, pneumothorax, automatic analysis of urinary calculi, tongue coating recognition and AI assisted diagnosis systems. (more information)
1肺部病灶偵測技術影片 張傳育主任外縮圖 scaled

Lung Mass Detectionfrom Chest X-Ray Image

Lung Mass Detectionfrom Chest X-Ray Image

2甲狀腺影像診斷技術 張傳育主任內縮圖

Thyroid Image Diagnosis Technology

Thyroid Image Diagnosis Technology

3醫學影像氣管內管偵測影片 許中川外縮圖 scaled

Medical Imaging Endotracheal Tube Detection

Medical Imaging Endotracheal Tube Detection

4人工智慧自動即時偵測與分割胸部放射圖像的氣胸症狀影片 何前程外縮圖 scaled

Artificial Intelligence Automatically Detects and Segmentation of Pneumothorax Symptoms in Chest Radiographs in Real Time

Artificial Intelligence Automatically Detects and Segmentation of Pneumothorax Symptoms in Chest Radiographs in Real Time

5結合雲端運算的內視鏡影像之病徵偵測影片 張軒庭外縮圖 scaled

Early Gastric Endoscopic Lesion Detection

Early Gastric Endoscopic Lesion Detection

6藥物自動辨識系統 吳先晃外.內縮圖

Automatic Drug Identification System

Automatic Drug Identification System

7國際疾病分類碼ICD 10編碼系統之設計與開發 張榮昇外.內縮圖

Design and Development of International Disease Classification Code ICD-10 Coding System

Design and Development of International Disease Classification Code ICD-10 Coding System
